Timeshare Resources
TimeshareMyWay.com gives you the information you want to know. Our "Timeshare Resources" section provides buyers and renters with a useful tool for gaining more insight to timely topics including:
Why Timeshare
Discover another perspective on timeshare. You'll find an industry overview that will give you a better understanding how the industry has grown throughout the years.
Timeshare Resort Directory
Our timeshare directory provides a listing of the most sought after timeshare resorts in the industry to day. Learn more about the many and varied resorts that you and your family may enjoy as a timeshare owner.
Timeshare Resort Developers
Timeshare owners enjoy an exceptional selection of high quality resorts in some of the most sought after destinations. A brief overview of the industry's leading developer's provides you with the evolutionary process from "mom and pop" development to today's luxury hotel branded product.
Timeshare Exchange
Looking to explore the world with your timeshare? RCI and Interval International offer timeshare owners the abiility to see the world through its flexible exchange program.
Timeshare Calendar
Our calendar is a handy reference tool that will provide you with arrival dates for timeshare resort check in. (Please note: All timeshare resort calendars vary. Always contact your arrival resort prior to departure or booking airline reservations to confirm your actual check in and reservation.)
Timeshare Tours
Many developers offer "Discovery Packages" to learn more about a particular resort or developer timeshare plan. Discover some helpful tips before taking the tour.
Timeshare Resales
Timeshare Resales will save you thousands of dollars compared to buying developer timeshare. Discover why.
Timeshare Glossary
Confused by the terminology. Our "Timeshare Glossary" will clarify all those confounding words that describe timeshare.
Fractional Ownership / Private Club Membership
This form of timeshare offers hybrid features of timeshare ownership and whole ownership.